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Shiloh Pitt Name Change

Shiloh Jolie-Pitt Drops Pitt from Her Name

The 18-year-old daughter of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie has filed a legal petition to distance herself from her father

Filed on her 18th birthday, the petition marks a significant shift in the relationship between the father and daughter

On May 31, 2024, Shiloh Jolie-Pitt, the daughter of actors Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, filed a petition with the Los Angeles County Superior Court to remove the surname "Pitt" from her legal name. The move, which comes just days after her 18th birthday, is a clear indication of the growing estrangement between Shiloh and her father.

According to sources close to the family, Shiloh has been considering this step for some time. She is said to be unhappy with her father's lifestyle and his relationship with her mother. The petition is reportedly the culmination of years of pent-up resentment.

Brad Pitt has not yet commented publicly on the petition, but it is sure to be a major blow to the actor. He has always been close to his children, and Shiloh's decision to drop his name is a clear sign that their relationship is fractured.

The news of Shiloh's petition has sent shockwaves through Hollywood. Many celebrities have come out in support of her decision, including her mother, Angelina Jolie. In a statement to the press, Jolie said, "I support my daughter's decision to make this change. I believe it is important for everyone to have the right to choose their own identity."
