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De Bruyne Ex Freundin

De Bruyne-Courtois Love Triangle Scandal Rocks Belgium

Former Girlfriend Claims Affair

Kevin De Bruyne, one of Belgium's most decorated footballers, was rocked last year by an affair between his ex-girlfriend Caroline Lijnen and his Belgium teammate Thibaut Courtois. According to Lijnen, the affair began in 2012, while De Bruyne and Courtois were still close friends.

Open Conflict Between Players

The affair has reportedly caused a rift between De Bruyne and Courtois, who have been in open conflict ever since. Former Belgium manager Marc Wilmots even intervened, asking De Bruyne if he should drop Courtois from the team.

De Bruyne's Ex-Girlfriend Breaks Silence

Lijnen recently broke her silence on the affair, claiming that Courtois approached her while she was still in a relationship with De Bruyne. She declined his advances, but they eventually started dating after De Bruyne ended their relationship.

Ongoing Investigation

The Belgian Football Federation is currently investigating the affair, which has threatened to overshadow Belgium's preparations for the upcoming World Cup. The outcome of the investigation is likely to have significant implications for the team and for De Bruyne and Courtois's careers.
